Tuesday 15 January 2013

15 January 2013 - Brand Values: DAVE


9 January 2013 - Brand Values

17 December 2012 - Questionnaire Findings

Write an evaluation of your findings from your questionnaires. How did the results inform your planning and production for your school magazine? You need to write a paragraph for each question and show examples, where relevant, from your magazine.

I had used my findings from my magazine questionnaire in order to help plan my school magazine.
An idea in which I had received from my questionnaire is that the title of my School magazine will be called 'RHS News Round' as the majority had chosen that this name was the most attention grabbing. 

In my questionnaire I had also written a question which said 'If you pick up a school magazine, which of these would be the first thing you notice?' and I had given a choice of 4 answers: Main front cover image, title of magazine, articles that are included in the magazine or the theme colour of the magazine itself. Since most of the votes had been counted that the main front cover image is what's most noticeable I need to make sure that the main picture is relate-able to the school and to the students that are reading it. For example I wouldn't place a picture of mountains with a waterfall as it has no relation to the magazine itself.

As one of my findings in my questionnaire suggested that what students would want to see in a school magazine is exams and holiday dates I shall make one of my compulsory articles based on exams (this could range from exam dates and times to revision techniques) and one compulsory article about holiday dates (including bank holidays and inset days). Adding these two articles will help students find the school magazine more interesting and fun as it's more relating to their interests rather than being boring and unnecessary (which is another finding about how students felt about school magazines in general).
          From my findings with my questionnaire I also found that students are more likely to read a school magazine if they're featured in it, this can be arranged as each term a star student will be one of the small features added to the school magazine as well as having a Q&A for students. This will enable them to have a part of the school magazine as well be 'featured' in it thus more students wanting to read the school magazine and perhaps finding something else that may interest themselves.
          Lastly, I need to make sure that my school magazine has a colour theme that is repetitive throughout the school year as this will help make the magazine relate to the school itself  Since Regent High has the colour of the group in which students are placed into, those colours will be mainly used in my magazine. These colours are: Red, Blue, Orange, Green, Yellow and Purple. As each magazine is being released each colour theme will change. (EG, 1st magazine release = Red, 2nd magazine release = Blue.... etc)