Wednesday 10 October 2012

21 September 2012 - Institutions and Audiences

What do you know about institutions and audiences 

OFCOM - in charge of complaints and anything in order to regulate to make it legal.

BARB - market researcher = depend what people like.
MP4 - images and audio to make media.

Media institutions;
 Companies that provide media content:
  • Audiovisual
  • Print-based
  • Internet based
  • Interactive (Games)
The differences between BBC and Warner Brothers; 
  • Consumers are the public
  • Wide range of audiences
  • TV shows, documentaries
  • Money from TV licence
  • Regulated
Warner Brothers:
  • Own other companies
  • Use adverts, interviews
How companies provide their ‘Media Content’;

In the ‘Old days’ one media content would be by itself.

(There would not be any other way of reading the newspaper online or on your phone)

Media institutions in the 21st Century produce several media platforms, eg. Guardian; Newspaper, Web adds.

Cross Media Convergence - Film to Game / Book to Film ETC.

Technology Convergence;
 When technology comes together to perform more than one function.

Why audience are important?
 They help control the flow of money.
Audiences change over time, and tracing this change helps us to understand why a modern-day audience is important.

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