Thursday 29 November 2012

19 October 2012 - Obama's Favourite 'The Wire'

Obama’s favourite – The wire
5 Reason's why Omar (The Wire) is an interesting character?
  • He's mean, funny, cooler and braver than any character even seen on TV
  • He's a challenging character and he has quite a high determination in what he does
  • He challenges the stereotype of a 'Gangster' as his character is in fact a homosexual
  • He's clever in his use of words (on other words he's manipulative)
  • He has a moral code in which he ALWAYS follows (only steals from drug dealers)
Crime Drama usually includes 3 types of Characters:
  • The ones that solve the crime
  • The ones that commit the crime
  • The victims

Character types and Stock Characters (Crime Drama, eg. Sherlock)

  • The grumpy detective
  • The sidekick
  • The troubled police officer
  • The crooked police officer
  • The brilliant genius

Media Theory

Vladimir Propp analysed character types and came up with a list:
  • Hero - Who goes on the quest
  • Villain - Who's against the Hero
  • Dispatcher - Helps the Hero off on their quest
  • Donor - Helps the Hero
  • Princess - Prize for the Hero
Analysing Characters in these Video Clips:

The Crime Solvers
  • Can have the program named after them (eponymous)
  • Can work in pairs where they are equal 
  • Can have a lead player and a sidekick
  • Can be an ensemble drama (where are team of crime solvers work together to solve the crime)

  • Often transient characters: They only appear in one episode or one series as they get caught in the end
  • Different criminals in different episodes (usually)
  • Also transient characters: Only appear once as they could either 'move on' or die
  • Always different victims in each episode
Lead, Pair or Ensemble

  • Sherlock
  • The Wire
  • Morse
  • Monk
  • Starsky and Hutch
  • Scott and Bailey
  • Rosemary and Thyme
  • The X Files
  • 24
  • The Wire
  • The Bill
  • CSI: Miami
  • Law and Order
Theory Alert: Binary Oppositions
  • Good VS Evil
  • Heroes VS Villains
  • Victims VS Criminals
  • Criminals VS Law
  • Police Officers VS Criminals
  • Truth VS Lies
  • The Law VS Crime
  • Bad Police Officers VS Good
  • Innocent VS Guilty
Law and Order - Binary Oppositions:
  • Victims VS Criminals
  • Law VS Criminals
  • Police VS Criminals
  • Truth VS Lies
  • Innocent VS Guilty
  • Prosecutors VS Criminals

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