Thursday 29 November 2012

9 November 2012 - Sound

Types of Sound or Music

  • Film and TV largely effects the audience because of what they see, and especially what they hear
  • Dialogue recorded on location - Sound of people speaking whilst filming
  • Dialogue recorded after filming - Sound recording is done after and then added to the film clip, lip dubbed
  • Diegetic sound or music - Sound that relates to what is shown in the clip and recorded when it happens, eg. Seeing a door slam and hearing it slam at the same time
  • Non-Diegetic sound or music - Sound such as music or sound effects that are then added after the clip is used. Perhaps music that doesn't fit in with the scene, eg. Soft music being played in the park but there is no source where the music could be coming from

More types of Sound and Music

  • Sound bridge - A sound that leads in and out of a scene/ a sound that overlaps between scenes
  • Layering - Different types of sound on top of each other helps to emphasis the scene that it's perhaps busy
  • Sonic Flashback - Sound from one diegetic time is heard over images from a later time (Flashback out of sound instead of imagery)
  • Direct Sound - When using direct sound, the music, noise, and speech of the profilmic event at the moment of filming is recorded in the film

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