Monday, 6 May 2013

04 March 2013 - Examples of Double-Page spreads

3 Examples of Double-Page spreads in Music Magazines

  • The huge 'L' in the middle of the text emphasises the celebrity that the interview is based on and because the colour of the letter is red and the rest of the double-page spread is in black and white it draws our attention to that letter
  • The colour of the letter is also the same colour used in the magazine's title and logo (Q Magazine)
  • The fact that there is no title with this double-page spread could mean that perhaps the reader would have to read on in order to find out what it's really about therefore either way the reader will always read at least a paragraph or two before deciding to read on
  • The picture takes up one whole page of the double-page spread meaning that all of our main focus and attention is on the picture itself
  • The mid-shot photo of the model tells the audience that the model has some sort of significance to this article
  • The model is featured wearing an outfit and posing in a way that would entice the readers which find the female form attractive. Editors of the magazine had made sure to include some sexual content in order to attract more readers as in from society today sexual icons/contents sell well
  • The layout of the text is in three columns  making it easier for the audience to read as well as making the text more appealing

  • The border of the double-page spread looks similar to the round lights you would get on a mirror for celebrities when the get ready for their 'shot' therefore accentuating the role of this model as being quite a well-known person
  • The model itself is posed in a manner to say to the audience that he's just a regular man and as there is no sexual relation to the picture it shows that the model is mainly known for other purposes; in this case his music
  • The size and the font of the title both make the double-page spread stand out to may readers. As the size of the title is quite large compared to the text and the colours of the title (pink & white) are not always used in the information of the article therefore catching the readers attention the the title
  • The layout of the the text is set into three columns, making it easier for the audience to read and also to make the double-page spread look more appealing as it won't look too clustered together

  • The main picture of the double-page spread is of a music artist and it takes up one page of the double-page spread therefore showing some sort of main significance to the article
  • The model in the main picture seems to be posing as if to make it seem he's in a concert playing a live show as the props used (ie. electric guitar) emphasise this
  • The other little pictures around the main picture and at the bottom of the text show that the artists in the pictures are also a significance to this article but not as much as a main subject of matter 
  • The title of the article is in different types of fonts therefore perhaps showing the mixture of the information in the article or perhaps the mixture of artists that are included in the article all together
  • The colours and size of the title helps to draw the readers attention, as the colour of the title (white & blue) seem to be the main colours of the double-page spread, and the size of the title is quite large compared to the text thus adjusting the main focus to the title (that's not including the picture)

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