Monday 6 May 2013

05 March 2013 - Contents Page anaylsis

Examples of 3 content pages

  • The main picture on the contest page is sized quite large so that it would attract the readers attention more than the rest of the page
  • The colour scheme of the contents is Black, White and Yellow. These is a very basic colour scheme which means that it'll help to make it 'easy on the eye' for the readers in order to make it easier to read the text
  • The layout of the conents page is in four columns - that's excluding the editors section on the bottom left - this helps the reader to be able to easily read the contents
  • The title of the contents page is larger in font size than the other text. This is because the editor wanted to make the title stand out more to the audience in order for the readers to be informed before they read on
  • The use of the other images inform the reader that there are still more interesting articles inside the magazine

  • The way in which the pictures are layed out make it seem to the audience that there are other interesting articles in the whole magazine
  • The size of all the pictures are all the same except the main picture (which features the main article), this is because it evokes to the reader that all the articles are in equal significance in the magazine
  • The colour scheme is also Black, White and Yellow which then again helps the audience to easily read the contents
  • The text layout is in one colunm which does help to organise the text but makes it more diffuct to read compared to a piece of text that was spilt into 3colunms
  • As all the pictures were placed on the left of the contents on the right this means that the first thing the audience will see is the pictures. As we read from left to right our minds automatically look from left to right, hence the meaning to why rhe readers will see the pictures first
  • The size of the text of the Title is big compared to the size of the text of the contents. The editor purposly did this in order to intend for the title to be a key highlight of the page
  • The main picture is deliberatly made in a large scale in order to make it seems to a main significance for the magazine
  • The layout of the contents is in one colunm which again - like the magazine above - its helps to organise the page but its not as effective for making it easy for the audience to read. This is due to the fact that it may seem 'bunched up' or too close together
  • The title and the logo of the music magazine are pretty much placed one after the other. This is that when the audience look at the title of the page, they'll recognise what magazine they are reading
  • The colour scheme on this magazine conents page is Black, White and Red. This is a basic colour scheme that fits im well with the colour of the magazine logo and also the magazine itself
  • Each sigle thing with red on it, is highlighted by the editor to be a main suject to this magazine

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