Monday 6 May 2013

04 March 2013 - Music Magazine Questionnaire

Questionnaire for Music Magazine
  1. What kind of genre of music do you like?
    [ ] Pop/Mainstream   [ ] Rock/Alternative/Metal   [ ] Classical   [ ] Other

    Other: _______________________________________________________________________

  2. Would you buy a music magazine on your favourite genre?
    [ ] Yes   [ ] No   [ ] I don't know

  3. If yes, how much would you buy the magazine for?
    [ ] £1-£1.99   [ ] £2-2.99   [ ] £3-3.99

  4. What would you like to see featured in music magazines in general?
    [ ] Upcoming artists   [ ] Gigs   [ ] Gossip   [ ] New Albums   [ ] Other
    Other: _______________________________________________________________________

  5. Which sell-line stands out to you the most?
    [ ] Top 10 artists 2013!   [ ] Knitting, Tea Time and Rock 'n' Roll?   [ ] Make or Break?

  6. What could you imagine on the front cover of a Rock/Metal magazine?
    [ ] Black and scary   [ ] Demonic   [ ] Crazy and Cool   [ ] Informal Language

  7. Do you know any of these bands? Tick which ones you do if not leave them blank
    [ ] Metallica   [ ] Iron Maiden   [ ] Slipknot   [ ] Korn   [ ] Ozzy Osbourne

  8. If you didn't know any bands then why? If you did then skip to Q9
    [ ] I don't like/listen to their music   [ ] Not my taste in genre   [ ] Other
    Other: _______________________________________________________________________

  9. Out of all the genre's of Alternative music which genre do you prefer the most?
    [ ] Rock   [ ] Indie   [ ] Heavy Metal   [ ] Screamo   [ ] Grunge   [ ] Other
    Other: _______________________________________________________________________

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